High Dividend Yield Strategy? Yes, But! When times are tough, there always seems to be increasing talk about the high dividend yield strategy. It’s an approach that, if implemented properly, produces better than average returns over time relative to the level of risk accepted by the investor. Although these stocks will usually underperform in strong markets, their resistance to price erosion in weak markets is what gives them the edge. Over extended periods of three to five years or more, portfolios that include a broad selection of high dividend yield stocks will usually be good choices. One of the keys is the phrase “broad selection”, at least a dozen if not twice that many. The analysis of individual high dividend yielding stocks begins with a comparison of company earnings and dividends paid. That’s known as the payout ratio. If dividends paid are well covered by company earnings and are likely to continue being well covered, that’s a good si...
Investment and economic observations by N. Russell Wayne, CFP, MBA. Mr. Wayne is the president of Sound Asset Management, inc. and former Managing Editor of The Value Line Investment Survey.