Three Ideas for a More Assured Retirement Retire Later Although you may be one of the fortunate few who have amassed sufficient assets to easily cover ongoing expenses in your later years, most people won’t have that luxury. Indeed, folks often pay little attention to what lies ahead financially until they are in their 50s or 60s, which may be too late to make key adjustments for a continuation of comfortable living. Even so, there are options. One of the most obvious is the opportunity to keep working as you get older. This path may not be open for some people, but more likely than not it will be. Continuing to work may mean an extension of an existing routine or perhaps tapering off over a period of a few years. Either way, the positive impact on future financial health can be substantial. Spend Less In retirement, some expenses may continue, some may increase, and some may be reduced. Those that may continue include mortgage or ren...
Investment and economic observations by N. Russell Wayne, CFP, MBA. Mr. Wayne is the president of Sound Asset Management, inc. and former Managing Editor of The Value Line Investment Survey.