Finances: Not for Men Only If you are a spouse, a single career woman or perhaps divorced or widowed, it's more than likely that you have little familiarity with matters of financial planning. After all, money is stuff for men to handle, right? Unfortunately, that's absolutely wrong. I remember more than a few occasions over the years when I've met with women whose first question was "What do I do now?" In some cases, the question came from women who were successful in their chosen careers, but largely uninformed about how to handle the assets they had accumulated. In others, it came from those who were now on their own due to failed marriages or the passing of a spouse. Whichever the reason, the reality is that financial planning is not a club that's exclusive to men. Although this is not a new suggestion, it's one that hasn't been given sufficient attention, which is why more than a few women still feel uncomfortable dealing with fina...
Investment and economic observations by N. Russell Wayne, CFP, MBA. Mr. Wayne is the president of Sound Asset Management, inc. and former Managing Editor of The Value Line Investment Survey.