Sell Your Life Insurance To Raise Money? Not So Fast! Along with an increasing number of other questionable commercials aimed at consumers, there are more than a few suggesting that it’s time to sell your life insurance policy and enjoy the cash now. For some folks, this may sound interesting, but they are anything but win-win situations. These kinds of transactions are known as viatical settlements. In the past, they involved the sale of a life insurance policy by a terminally ill or chronically ill policyholder to a third party for less than the policy's face value but more than its cash surrender value. Although viatical settlements can provide immediate cash to individuals facing terminal or chronic illnesses, there are several reasons why they might be considered a bad idea or come with significant risks, especially for people in good health. Reduced Payout : The policyholder typically receives less money through a viatical settlement ...
Investment and economic observations by N. Russell Wayne, CFP, MBA. Mr. Wayne is the president of Sound Asset Management, inc. and former Managing Editor of The Value Line Investment Survey.